It's Pet Peeve Time
Sunday, November 10, 2024
I’ve see a few people sharing their pet peeves recently, so that to add a few of my own:
- It drives me nuts when someone tells you not to break up a relationship over politics. Honey, let me tell you, if you're compromising your values to suck up to a jerk who votes right-wing conservative, it's time to move countries.
- Sending me a link to go watch a video or listen to music where I have to create an account and or sign in. Not. Going. To. Happen.
- People who don't RSVP. Listen birdbrain, you were sent a card, with all the details on, asking you to respond as soon as possible. How hard is it to respond with a 'Yes' or a 'No'?
- People who call me Alex after I've been introduced as Alexandra, when clearly, we don't know one another and have never met before. Please. Don't.
- Idiot drivers ... you know the ones, they park across two spaces, take up all the room at a traffic light, roll through on a No Right Turn On Red, who block the bike lane ... etc., etc., etc., ...
- Companies who discontinue that one line of product you absolutely love in favour of an inferior version.
- People who let the door go in your face as you're walking through the mall / shop / building.
- The lack of civility, like, everywhere.
- That guy who takes up two seats on the bus because he has to sit with his legs wide open. Listen son, if you're that well endowed, go work at a stud farm.
- And finally, people who talk loudly. I mean. All. The. Damn. Time.
And you, what are your current pet peeves?