
Why I Write

I’ve been writing for as long as I’ve been reading. All thanks to both parents who were both avid readers, though very different kind of books. My mother mostly read romances and historical family sagas — think, Thorn Birds. My father, on the other hand, who use to take us weekly to the library, would go to the new section of recent arrivals and pick 6 of the biggest books he could find.

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And ... I Want!

The idea for this post is happily stolen from Keenan who lovingly stole it from Katherine who probably stole it from someone else. And so it goes … steal this idea if you want! I want to sing more I want to dance more I want to write more I want to play more I want to sleep more I want to create more I want to travel more I want to give more I want to take more I want to try more I want to be more I want to listen more I want to dream more I want to live more

Well, I knew it … my secret vegetable identity is … drumroll please!

I’m a carrot!

I'm a carrot ...