Blog Question Challenge 2025

I’ve been tagged by the legendary B from over on BinaryDigit to take part in this challenge. Thanks for the invite, B.

Why Did You Start Blogging In The First Place?

Initially, it was to join in on this online social community craze (remember LiveJournal and MySpace?) and share in this wild and weird new thing with other likeminded people, not in a library, or the YWCA, but online. With this crazy idea of swapping photos, ideas, and book recommendations. I had a MySpace corner until I discovered I could rent space and buy something called a domain name, and create my own little corner of the world wide web. And thus, the Wry Writer was born.

What Platform Are You Using To Manage Your Blog, And Why Do You Use It?

Like everything in my life right now, I’m not just using one platform. I have a blog of sorts on Wordpress, but I also have my daily blog here, on Micro Blog because, well, it just works for me. Who knows, that might change, I tried Bearblog, I like Bearblog, Bear is fun but … there’s something about it that didn’t quite sit right with me. I also feel like I want to go try out Pika again, which I used once, as I love seeing what others have done there with their blogs.

Have You Blogged On Other Platforms Before?

Oh, of course. I think at any one time, here and there, I’ve probably used them all. Well, maybe not Xanga. I don’t ever remember creating a blog there. But most of the big names? Yes. I flip flopped around the commercial spaces till I discovered Wordpress and, as I say, bought my own domain and rented space to create the Wry Writer.

How Do You Write Your Posts?

I’ve learnt from a lot of costly bad experiences losing lengthy posts to not write directly into the editor. Instead I use a combination of writing in Apple’s TextEdit or Apple Notes, both of which save to the cloud, which is another way of ensuring I don’t lose another post. And only when I’m satisfied, do I then transfer into the editor to post and or schedule.

When Do You Feel Most Inspired To Write?

I’m a first thing in the morning kind of person. I like to come and sit at my desk straight after breakfast, and contemplate. I feel like my thoughts are clear and fresh at this point, and I’m more likely to have better focus than later in the day. This is my me time.

Do You Normally Publish Immediately After Writing, Or Do You Let It Simmer?

As I said, I try, where at all possible to write my posts in advance and schedule them so, if need be, I can check the morning of posting for errors or spelling mistakes. I say I try to do this. Some days it’s not always possible. I find this works for me, and gives me time to really think about what it is I want to write.

What’s Your Favorite Post On Your Blog?

Oh gosh. That’s a hard one. Do I chose the one that speaks to me, or the most popular post by visits, or comments? I guess I would have to pick the post that speaks most to me: There Is Life After Death, a post I wrote about the loss of my parents. Which was obviously a difficult post to write.

Any Future Plans For the Blog?

Quite honestly, I love my current theme, Mnml by Jim Mitchell, which does everything I want in displaying content in a pleasing way, with gorgeous fonts. So no, not really. I might tweak pages, as there are sections I could add. But right now, this set up works beautifully for me. That said, however, never say no. I have ideas for my wordpress blog, which might soon become a Pika blog. In which case, all bets are off.

Who Will Participate Next?

I’m going to tag David and Michael as I don’t think anyone’s nominated either of them, yet!
