We ended the year with a sad death in the family last year—my father in law died of cancer Dec 11th—so it’s hard to sit here and be witty or have anything pity to say about the start of a new year and what it might hold other than to say, I want to do more.
I no longer feel like I have time to hang around treading water letting days slip by.
The weeks just seem to slip by so fast these days. Which is funny given that some afternoons I’m sat at my desk scribbling away on this or that project and feel like time is stretched in every direction. Which, of course, it isn’t because, well, that would be novel in and of itself. And I’m sure if I were even remotely able to stretch time like that, I’d make sure each hour lasted a week.
Well, that was the week that was. Another weird week of being busy doing nothing and, at times, flying solo as the OH had a funeral to attend. With the weather thwarting any opportunity to get out to the local park and take some last minute photos before the snow came … a bit of a frustrating week.
I didn’t make it and, yes, we had snow all weekend. Well mostly yesterday.
Following in Helen’s footsteps, I’m answering (to the best of my ability) Jedda’s AMA question:
“What are you thankful for?
Well, in truth, quite a lot really. But again, like Helen, I think I’ll stick to a handful of things that I’m thankful for.
First of all, I'm thankful for being alive. For having made it in one piece through the worst of covid to arrive here and now.
Following in Gabz footsteps and, like him, having never heard of, What’s In My NOW, I had to go check it out and, of course, write up my own, What’s In my NOW post.
Each week one interesting person shares the tangible and invisible things that are influencing the NOW — 3 physical, 2 digital, and 1 invisible.
So, here we go.
Physical Hobinichi Techo — I’ve been using these daily planner / journals for about a decade now because not only are they beautifully made, with exquisite Tomoe River paper, but they’re small enough to carry around in my messenger bag.
Today I thought to answer a few questions asked for the WeblogPoMo AMA challenge:
“What’s your comfort movie/show/piece of media, and - if you feel like sharing - why?”
This one is easy. My go to comfort movie is The Fifth Element. I have lost count the number of times I have watched this movie, as I watch it at least 5-6 times a year. If I need a pick-me-up for any reason whatsoever, and sometimes, for no reason at all, I slot the DVD in, press play and escape.
Okay, here’s a really deep, deep question of the day:
Do you tip at coffee shops?
The reason I ask? Me and mine were at the mall yesterday and, for the first time in maybe over a year, the OH wanted a sugary Starbucks confection called: coffee. Me? Not so much. So we went. We ordered. They got some spiced cinnamon latte affair and me? I got a cranberry refresher.
Today I thought to answer another of the great #WeblogPoMo AMA questions floating around. This question was originally asked by Hiro and answered by Gabz and also, Helen.
“What’s the best music-related experience of your life so far?"
Narrowing my answer down to just one person or act is impossible given the sheer number of concerts I’ve been to over the course of a long life (so far). I could say the best was meeting, inadvertantly, the Rolling Stones when I was about 7-8 years old, and getting my photo taken with them.
I’ve see a few people sharing their pet peeves recently, so that to add a few of my own:
It drives me nuts when someone tells you not to break up a relationship over politics. Honey, let me tell you, if you're compromising your values to suck up to a jerk who votes right-wing conservative, it's time to move countries. Sending me a link to go watch a video or listen to music where I have to create an account and or sign in.
In answer to Jedda’s post, The Plan To Not Have A Plan, I wrote:
I find plans never go to plan, it's best to have an outline written in pencil, maybe on a napkin that can be toss in the recycle if necessary when it all goes to hell in a hand basket ... Because invariably, I always end up tossing the plan in the bin, or it gets lost, forgotten, trodden on, eaten by the cat (oh, wait, we don’t have a cat) or covered in coffee stains so that it’s unreadable.
Today, as the news finally sinks in courtesy of every news channel, online outlet, and newspaper on the entire planet, we are all fully aware of just Who has won the US Presidential election: He whose name shall never be uttered out loud!
And those of us who are sane enough, rational enough, thoughtful enough, are left asking ourselves how, how did this happen? Or, more to the point, “what were you thinking America?
Another question I got asked for Annie’s #WeblogPoMo AMA (Ask Me Anything) challenge was from Annie Muller (yes, another Annie), she wanted to know:
"What is a habit that's either very long-standing or has had a big impact in your life (or both)?”
and “What's your favorite time of day, and why?”
First up, let’s start with the easier question, my favourite time of day has got to be mornings, early mornings.